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"Wellbeing" is written in bright, rainbow letters

Think positively, and positive things will happen. 

Mental Health First Aiders in school are:



Ms M Sharratt 

Senior Mental Health Lead


Miss Cook

Mental Health First  Aider


Black Country Rainbow Hour.

The Rainbow Book.

A collection of physical, emotional and creative activities to support all Black Country children and young people experience a Rainbow Hour every day. 

Useful Numbers:

Mental Health Services out of hours duty team - 01922 607777

MIND - 0300 123 3393

Cruse Bereavement - 0800 808 1677

Samaritans - 116 123


Help in crisis - NHS 111

If you find yourself in a mental health crisis, it can be difficult to know what to do.

NHS 111 is here to help with the introduction of a mental health option for urgent mental health support. This will be option two. 

To access the service, call 111 and select option two. 

Please note that if you would prefer to text this service, you can contact 07860 025 281

The extension of the 111 service means if you are experiencing a mental health crisis you will be able to dial the NHS urgent medical advice number (111), and by choosing ‘mental health option’ will be put through to your local crisis service.

Specially trained mental health staff will speak to you, discuss your urgent needs, and assess the best way to support you depending on your symptoms. 

If you have physically harmed yourself, or if you feel your life is at risk, then A&E is the right place to go. 

This service aims to help you if you want someone to talk to and need advice on what help is available and which services you can access in your local area.